25 July 2020 10:33 - In his column "Buenos tiempos" (a positive look at the daily confinement), the researcher and professor Pablo Becher invites us to reflect on the modality that teleworking acquires in the field of education. In addition, he analyzes the results of the research carried out by the Unified Union of Education Workers of Buenos Aires (Suteba) Bahía Blanca, Argentina; he reflects on the debate on how to enter the middle schools dependent on the National University of the South, and gives us a screenshot of the teaching that comes in the Post-Pandemic With virtuality, teaching work has increased in intensity, time and demand "El despertar de la calle" Saturday 10:00 to 12:00 Pablo Ariel BecherHuman Sciences/ Sociology.Social movements in recent history, labor conflict, and the sociology of work.Bachelor of History, UNS, Argentina.Master in Sociology and Professor, UNS, Argentina.Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS), Argentina/ Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina/ Colectivo de Estudios e Investigaciones Sociales (CEISO) http://gieptalc.org/en/about-us/members/
Category: News
July 16, 2020 - Professor Fernando Romero, from the International Relations area, was interviewed by the portal of the Global Television Network of China (CGTN) in Spanish on the day. View on: https://bit.ly/EntrevistaCGTN> https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=615787806004907&id=284282725822085
SAO PAULO, Jul 14 (Xinhua) - China has shown its leadership in international cooperation as a long-term policy with the support of medical supplies to other countries, such as Brazil, in the pandemic of new coronavirus, said Fernando Romero Wimer, professor of International Relations, of the Brazilian Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA). Specializing in relations between China and South America, Romero Wimer highlighted the "long-term" vision of Beijing to establish lasting economic relations and cooperation with countries that are in the global focus of the disease of the new coronavirus (COVID -19). "China's cooperation policy is a great differential against nations that do not bet on cooperation. China has shown its interest in international prestige with the provision of medical supplies, in which international solidarity comes first "said Fernando Romero Wimer during an interview with Xinhua.Full article at:http://spanish.xinhuanet.com/2020-07/15/c_139212788.htm
We share with you the call for papers for the Interdisciplinary Journal of Social Studies of Editions of the CEISO for its dossier on "Pandemia: new social, economic, political and environmental scenarios". The articles proposed for the dossier of this call must be sent before October 30, 2020, to the following e-mail: revistainterdisciplinaria@gmail.com Call No. 22 ENGLISH ISSN Edición impresa 1853-1679ISSN Edición en línea 2469-1860
NAME OF THE PROJECT: "Introduction to Chinese Language and Culture"Teaching Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Fernando Gabriel Romero The objective of this call is to select a fellow to join the project "Introduction to the Chinese language and culture" Next, the requirements for the presentation and the stages of the selection process to integrate the mentioned project will be announced. Requirements: Interested students should: 1) Send, until July 13, 2020 , your CV Lattes to the following email address: fernando.romero@unila.edu.br ; 2) Submit attached a letter of intent explaining the reasons why you want to integrate the project. It must meet the following requirements:Times New Roman font size 12, space 1.5, limit extension of 500 words. The file must have the applicant's first and last name. The results will be communicated to the emails of the candidates on July 14, 2020
57th International Congress of Americanists (Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil), between July 19 and 23, 2021. Data-limit for abstract submission:September 30, 2020 We invite to the WG:IMPERIALISM AND DEPENDENCE IN LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN Coordinated byPaula Fernández Hellmund - UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DA INTEGRAÇÃO LATINO-AMERICANA - UNILA(fernandezpaula81@gmail.com) e Mariano Millán - UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES - UBA (marianomillan82@gmail.com) Imperialism is a specific phase in the development of capitalism on a planetary scale. After the evolution of the decolonization processes of the 20th century, this phenomenon was accompanied by a generalization of dependence as an essential form of national subordination. Dependence must not only be understood as the external subordination that countries maintain to imperialism, but also specific internal relations of exploitation. Thus, both imperialism and dependence are problems in which political and military actions are intertwined with the convergence of economic interests and patterns of cultural domination. The objective of this working group is to examine dialectically the relationship between different dimensions of social reality, considering: the particularities of capital investments; the policy of military intervention and assistance, trade, use of cooperation and development agencies and policies and the set of political interests in the domestic sphere of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. The period under analysis varies from the beginning of the last century - inaugurated with the American triumph in the Spanish-American War and the occupation of the former Spanish colonies in the Caribbean - to the present day. https://www.facebook.com/284282725822085/posts/561037041479984/ https://ica2021.unicentro.br/en/presentation/
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2TqTCN-17o June 12, 2020. Brazil passed to Gran Bretaña and became the second country in the world with more people by covid-19. The figures of the Ministry of Health and the national media press network reveal that the 41,800 people who have died have so far been overcome. Only the United States lost more lives to the new Coronavirus. The anti-racist and anti-fascist demonstrations that put into debate the health crisis and the strongest assertiveness of the advanced authoritarian of the government.