Pablo BECHER (GIEPTALC collaborator): e-work in the educational environment

Com a virtualidade, o trabalho de ensino aumentou em intensidade, tempo e demanda

Pablo BECHER (GIEPTALC collaborator): e-work in the educational environment

25 July 2020 10:33 – In his column “Buenos tiempos” (a positive look at the daily confinement), the researcher and professor Pablo Becher invites us to reflect on the modality that teleworking acquires in the field of education. In addition, he analyzes the results of the research carried out by the Unified Union of Education Workers of Buenos Aires (Suteba) Bahía Blanca, Argentina; he reflects on the debate on how to enter the middle schools dependent on the National University of the South, and gives us a screenshot of the teaching that comes in the Post-Pandemic

With virtuality, teaching work has increased in intensity, time and demand

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El despertar de la calle Saturday 10:00 to 12:00

Pablo Ariel Becher

Human Sciences/ Sociology.
Social movements in recent history, labor conflict, and the sociology of work.

Bachelor of History, UNS, Argentina.
Master in Sociology and Professor, UNS, Argentina.
Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS), Argentina/ Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina/ Colectivo de Estudios e Investigaciones Sociales (CEISO)

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