The number 21 of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Social Studies (RIES) has already been released in Argentina. Excellent review by GIEPTALC researcher Sebastián Sarapura. In addition, the reception of articles is open for the dossier number 23: "Memories, futures and resistances".
9 HOURS Live by zoom: (The event will be available on the GIEPTALC YouTube Channel later) INAUGURAL LECTURE: “INDIA AND LATIN AMERICA: A PARTNERSHIP FOR THE 21ST CENTURY”DR. ABDUL NAFEY (JAWAHARLAL NEHRU UNIVERSITY) MODERATOR: FLAVIO GAITÁN (UNILA / INCT -PPED, BRAZIL) PRESENTATIONS OF PAPERS • AXIS 1: AGRICULTURE AND AGRO-INDUSTRIES Hours: 10:15 am to 11:30 am Coordinates: Fernando ROMERO WIMER (GIEPTALC-UNILA / CEISO) • AXIS 3: INFRASTRUCTURE, MINING AND ENERGY Hours: 12:00 to 14:30 Coordinate: Carlos Henrique SANTANA (UNILA - INCT-PPED)Flavio GAITÁN (UNILA - INCT-PPED) • AXIS 4: INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION, CULTURE AND MIGRATION Block time N ° 1: 15:00 to 17:30 Block No. 2: 18:00 to 20:00 Coordinates: Brenda RUPAR (University of Buenos Aires (UBA) / National University of Quilmes (UNQUI) / National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET), Argentina) PANEL Opening hours: 20:15 to 22:00 “ACTUALIDAD Y PROSPECTIVA DE LAS RELACIONES CHINA Y AMÉRICA LATINA”ISABELA NOGUEIRA (IE / PEPI / UFRJ, BRAZIL),JORGE MALENA (UNIVERSIDAD CATÓLICA ARGENTINA),RUBÉN LAUFER (UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA) MODERATOR: FERNANDO ROMERO WIMER (GIEPTALC-UNILA / CEISO ) SUPPORT : Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO)Mercosur Institute for Advanced Studies (IMEA-UNILA)Interdisciplinary Center for Integration and International Relations (CIIRI-UNILA)Course on International Relations and Integration and Integration (UNILA)Specialization in Contemporary International Relations (UNILA) Graduate Program in International Relations (PPGRI-UNILA)
Title recognition Where is the region and the world going? Presentation of Paula Fernández, professor and researcher at the Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA-Brazil), chairs the Social Observatory for Central America and the Caribbean (OSACC), co-director of the Interdisciplinary Study Group on the Transnationalization of Capital in Latin America and the Caribbean (GIEPTALC), and is a member of the Colectivo de Estudios e Investigaciones Sociales (CEISO-Argentina) and Any Ramírez, director of foreign degrees and validations at the Universidad Nacional de Asunción (Paraguay). The objective is to share the state of affairs of regional trajectories in terms of recognition and revalidation of degrees, along with the proposal for action arising from the UNESCO Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education approved in November 2019. Representatives of the project funded by the Núcleo de Estudios e Investigaciones en Educación Superior del Mercosur (NEIES). It is an open virtual activity with no cost or prior registration. 📌Youtube Channel MEC 📌 Wednesday 16 September 2020 10:00- 12:00 hrs Uruguayan time 10h20: Mobility of students and graduates; recognition of degrees and professional practice in MERCOSUR
We share with you the call for papers for the Interdisciplinary Journal of Social Studies of Editions of the CEISO for its dossier on "Pandemia: new social, economic, political and environmental scenarios". The articles proposed for the dossier of this call must be sent before October 30, 2020, to the following e-mail: Call No. 22 ENGLISH ISSN Edición impresa 1853-1679ISSN Edición en línea 2469-1860
In a few days, we will launch the book "Encrucijadas Latinoamericanas" with a selection of works from the II INTERDISCIPLINARY CONFERENCE ON SOCIAL STUDIES IN LATIN AMERICA (Foz do Iguaçu, September 2019) INDEX: Presentation of Adrian Camilo Cabrera Solarte IMPERIALISMO, DEPENDÊNCIA E CAPITAL TRANSNACIONALRelações entre força de trabalho uberizada e a necessidade de expansão do capitalAndriele Aparecida do Nascimento A. S. da SilvaCapital transnacional y propiedad de la tierra: algunos apuntes sobre la dictadura cívico-militar brasileña (1964-1985)Júlio Ernesto Souza de OliveiraProducción de celulosa en Uruguay: propiedad de la tierra, territorio y empresas transnacionalesHoracio Martin Melo PissónUruguay, entre el mar de oportunidades y el ojo del huracán chinoFernando Romero Wimer y Pablo Senra TorvisoCUESTIÓN AGRARIA Y PROBLEMAS AGROINDUSTRIALESConsumo y comercialización de los productores caprinos en Figueroa, Santiago del EsteroMelisa Erro VelazquezAbriendo la caja negra del Sistema Tecnológico Feria de la Agricultura FamiliarGustavo Federico ApablazaGUERRA Y VIOLENCIA POLÍTICAViolencia estatal y lucha por la independencia en Puerto Rico en los años setentaAlejandro M. SchneiderLiteratura y Malvinas, memorias y pedagogía de la memoria situada: una discusión abiertaSilvina Barroso, Anahí Asquineyer y Cristina GiacoboneEl surgimiento y consolidación de ISIS. Algunas hipótesis geopolíticas y sociológicasMariano MillánLos «maquis alemanes»: la resistencia nazi ante la invasión de Alemania al final de la Segunda Guerra MundialPablo Augusto BonavenaTERRITORIOS, MOVIMIENTOS Y CONFLICTOS SOCIALESTerritorio y poder. Un análisis discursivo del “conflicto mapuche”Julia Lombardi MayanCRISIS DEMOCRÁTICA, SISTEMAS POLÍTICOS Y POLÍTICA COMPARADADemocratização reavaliada: as reformas eleitorais de Argentina, Brasil e Uruguai nas primeiras décadas do século XXRogerio SchlegelVenezuela y América Latina: ¿la última fase de la geopolítica de la democracia imperial?Mamadou Alpha DialloEXTRATIVISMO Y CONFLICTOS SOCIOAMBIENTALESDel Desarrollo Sustentable como discurso oficial de la naturaleza a una propuesta de sustentabilidad desde las formas comunitarias de producciónBeatriz Corina Mingüer CestelosModelos de desarrollo e integración en conflicto: una propuesta de análisisMacarena Mercado MottCrónicas wichí sobre el despojo de los bienes comunes de la naturalezaNatalia BoffaReflexiones en torno al sentido de la Autonomía, a partir del estudio de una comunidad miskita de la Costa Caribe de NicaraguaSalvador GarcíaPOLÍTICA EXTERNA, INTEGRAÇÃO E REGIONALISMOA Década de 30 e a Grande Depressão: Mudanças nas Diretrizes de Política Externa do Brasil, Uruguai e ArgentinaGustavo Luiz Friso, Gustavo Carvalho Guimarães y Lucas Gonçalves de Oliveira FerreiraSoberanía e integração: uma análise das constituições do MERCOSULGlecia Morgana da Silva MarinhoA política externa do Paraguai (2013-2018) no processo legislativoMarcelino Teixeira Lisboa, Fátima Elizabeth Morínigo MartinezGeopolítica E Urbanização: Escalas Geográficas E A Formação Socioespacial Da Tríplice Fronteira…
This course is open to all UNILA members (students, technicians and teachers) and to the external community. In the course we intend for people to discover a language and a culture that, at the same time, represents one of the oldest civilizations in the world and one of the largest economies of the 21st century. Therefore, we design this extension action for the successful use of a very rich and increasingly impressive language in today's world. At the same time, we will guide you in the knowledge of Chinese culture. Therefore, participants will be able to get in touch with a native Chinese teacher and a Latin American teacher who has had direct experience with the Chinese language in China. For inquiries:
Domestic service constitutes in Argentina, as in other countries in the region, one of the main urban female occupations.This study tries to provide an overview of the situation of domestic workers in the city of Bahía Blanca, to try to understand their working conditions, their perception of employment and the social relations that are woven around it. On the other hand, compliance with certain labor rights and the forms of union organization found in the city are examined.Continue reading at: Radiography of domestic employment in Bahía Blanca (Part 1) | Pablo BECHER Photo: With a double trade immersed in the domestic landscape, a housewife performs hairdressing work. By Horacio Culaciatti
May 23, 2020. Colombia among the cobwebs of violence. Latin America in times of pandemic (3). The social and environmental situation. The economic scenario. The murder of social, environmental and human rights leaders. Political tensions and the attempt to rescue large capitals. Foreign policy, alignment with the United States, and peace negotiations. Tensions with Cuba and Venezuela.