Tag: Hernán Ramirez

Launch of the book Cartographies of the Pandemic in times of civilizational crisis

 Day 17/12 - Thursday - 19 h The 16 articles, authored by researchers from different Latin American countries, are organized in three parts: The State and accumulation due to the pandemic;The reorganization of immediate life during the pandemic;Sociocultural resistance and contradictions. The channel Esquerda Online , in collaboration with the Grupo de Pesquisa História e Poder (UNIOESTE) promotes the launch of the book, with the presence of the three organizers and the Brazilian authors and the authors based in Brazil: John Kenny Acuña Villavicencio - organizer and co-author of the articles "Those displaced by violence during the pandemic in Guerrero " and "Resistance and ways of life in indigenous communities in the face of the Covid-10 pandemic: challenges in local production and marketing "; Ever Sánchez Osorio - organizer and co-author of the articles "Reflections (others) in quarantine: the assault of the world and the reconfiguration of immediate life" And "Resistance and ways of life in indigenous communities in the face of the Covid-10 pandemic: Challenges in local production and marketing"; Manuel Garza Zepeda - organizer and co-author of the article "Reflections (others) in quarantine: assault on the world and reconfiguration of immediate life" ; Clóvis Antonio Brighenti (UNILA) - author of the article "Following in the footsteps of the white man: Indigenous peoples, COVID-19 and neocolonialism in Brazil"; Érica Sarmiento (UERJ) and Rafael Araújo (UERJ) - authors of the article "Neoliberalism, forced migration and pandemic in Latin America: an overview of the processes" ; Fernando Romero Wimer (UNILA) - author of the article "The crisis of the new coronavirus in Latin America: social control, capitalist economy and hope" ; Gilberto Grassi Calil (UNIOESTE) - author of the article "The Jair Bolsonaro government and COVID-19: a deliberate policy of expanding the pandemic" ; Hernán Ramírez (UNISINOS) - author of the article "Argentina vs Brazil: the structural roots of their short-term responses to the pandemic." The debate will be broadcast on the Youtube channels of Izquierda Online and the History and Power Research Group, and also on Izquierda Online's facebook: You Tube EoL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQfTv_DwkLk Youtube GPHP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHvzAgLHM48… Facebook EoL: https://www.facebook.com/esquerdaonline The book is available in its entirety on the Marxism 21 site, at https://drive.google.com/…/1CFAShAjx3U9UWiyoS4Jz1Ux9CI…
