Day 17/12 - Thursday - 19 h The 16 articles, authored by researchers from different Latin American countries, are organized in three parts: The State and accumulation due to the pandemic;The reorganization of immediate life during the pandemic;Sociocultural resistance and contradictions. The channel Esquerda Online , in collaboration with the Grupo de Pesquisa História e Poder (UNIOESTE) promotes the launch of the book, with the presence of the three organizers and the Brazilian authors and the authors based in Brazil: John Kenny Acuña Villavicencio - organizer and co-author of the articles "Those displaced by violence during the pandemic in Guerrero " and "Resistance and ways of life in indigenous communities in the face of the Covid-10 pandemic: challenges in local production and marketing "; Ever Sánchez Osorio - organizer and co-author of the articles "Reflections (others) in quarantine: the assault of the world and the reconfiguration of immediate life" And "Resistance and ways of life in indigenous communities in the face of the Covid-10 pandemic: Challenges in local production and marketing"; Manuel Garza Zepeda - organizer and co-author of the article "Reflections (others) in quarantine: assault on the world and reconfiguration of immediate life" ; Clóvis Antonio Brighenti (UNILA) - author of the article "Following in the footsteps of the white man: Indigenous peoples, COVID-19 and neocolonialism in Brazil"; Érica Sarmiento (UERJ) and Rafael Araújo (UERJ) - authors of the article "Neoliberalism, forced migration and pandemic in Latin America: an overview of the processes" ; Fernando Romero Wimer (UNILA) - author of the article "The crisis of the new coronavirus in Latin America: social control, capitalist economy and hope" ; Gilberto Grassi Calil (UNIOESTE) - author of the article "The Jair Bolsonaro government and COVID-19: a deliberate policy of expanding the pandemic" ; Hernán Ramírez (UNISINOS) - author of the article "Argentina vs Brazil: the structural roots of their short-term responses to the pandemic." The debate will be broadcast on the Youtube channels of Izquierda Online and the History and Power Research Group, and also on Izquierda Online's facebook: You Tube EoL: Youtube GPHP:… Facebook EoL: The book is available in its entirety on the Marxism 21 site, at…/1CFAShAjx3U9UWiyoS4Jz1Ux9CI…
9 HOURS Live by zoom: (The event will be available on the GIEPTALC YouTube Channel later) INAUGURAL LECTURE: “INDIA AND LATIN AMERICA: A PARTNERSHIP FOR THE 21ST CENTURY”DR. ABDUL NAFEY (JAWAHARLAL NEHRU UNIVERSITY) MODERATOR: FLAVIO GAITÁN (UNILA / INCT -PPED, BRAZIL) PRESENTATIONS OF PAPERS • AXIS 1: AGRICULTURE AND AGRO-INDUSTRIES Hours: 10:15 am to 11:30 am Coordinates: Fernando ROMERO WIMER (GIEPTALC-UNILA / CEISO) • AXIS 3: INFRASTRUCTURE, MINING AND ENERGY Hours: 12:00 to 14:30 Coordinate: Carlos Henrique SANTANA (UNILA - INCT-PPED)Flavio GAITÁN (UNILA - INCT-PPED) • AXIS 4: INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION, CULTURE AND MIGRATION Block time N ° 1: 15:00 to 17:30 Block No. 2: 18:00 to 20:00 Coordinates: Brenda RUPAR (University of Buenos Aires (UBA) / National University of Quilmes (UNQUI) / National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET), Argentina) PANEL Opening hours: 20:15 to 22:00 “ACTUALIDAD Y PROSPECTIVA DE LAS RELACIONES CHINA Y AMÉRICA LATINA”ISABELA NOGUEIRA (IE / PEPI / UFRJ, BRAZIL),JORGE MALENA (UNIVERSIDAD CATÓLICA ARGENTINA),RUBÉN LAUFER (UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA) MODERATOR: FERNANDO ROMERO WIMER (GIEPTALC-UNILA / CEISO ) SUPPORT : Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO)Mercosur Institute for Advanced Studies (IMEA-UNILA)Interdisciplinary Center for Integration and International Relations (CIIRI-UNILA)Course on International Relations and Integration and Integration (UNILA)Specialization in Contemporary International Relations (UNILA) Graduate Program in International Relations (PPGRI-UNILA)
FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF LATIN AMERICAN INTEGRATION (UNILA) Foz do Iguaçu (Brazil), October 1, 2, 2020 (VIRTUAL EVENT) ANNOUNCEMENT N° 3 SCHEDULE The Interdisciplinary Study and Research Group on Transnational Capitals, the State, Governing Classes and Conflict in Latin America and the Caribbean (GIEPTALC), the National Institute of Science and Technology in Public Policies, Strategies and Development (INCT-PPED), the Social Observatory of Central America and the Caribbean (OSACC) and the Colectivo de Estudios e Investigaciones Sociales (CEISO) are convening the 1st International Conference "Latin America-Asia Relations" to be held on 1 and 2 October 2020 at the Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA), Foz do Iguaçu (Brazil) with the virtual mode of presentation of articles and conferences. CONFERENCE PROGRAM October 1st - Thursday OPENING CONFERENCE Schedule: 09:00 to 10:00 "Asia and Latin America in International Geopolitics" Abdul NAFEY, (Abdul NAFEY, Jawaharlal Nehru University)Moderator: Flavio GAITÁN (UNILA/ INCT -PPED, BRASIL) PRESENTATION OF WORKS • AXIS 1: AGRICULTURE AND AGRO-INDUSTRIES Schedule: 10:15 to 11:30 Coordinates: Fernando ROMERO WIMER (GIEPTALC-UNILA / CEISO) RELAÇÕES BILATERAIS DE COMÉRCIO ENTRE COLÔMBIA E CHINA: AS EXPORTAÇÕES COLOMBIANAS E O INVESTIMENTO CHINÊS EM PRODUTOS AGRO ALIMENTÍCIOS DE ORIGEM NÃO ANIMAL (2000-2018)Glaucya ABDALLA SCHEFFER (GIEPTALC-UNILA, Brasil)MODERNIZAÇÃO DA AGRICULTURA E COOPERAÇÃO TRANSNACIONAL: A SAGA DA SOJA NIPO-BRASILEIRA, 1974-1979Júlio Ernesto SOUZA DE OLIVEIRA (PPGH Universidad Federal de Bahia (UFBA) y miembro del Consejo Nacional para el Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (CNPq), Brasil. Integra el GT História Agrária de Bahia (Histagro) y el Laboratorio de Teoría e Historia de la Historiografía (LTHH/UFBA).RELACIONES ECONÓMICAS URUGUAY-CHINA EN EL ÁMBITO DE LA AGRICULTURA Y LA AGROINDUSTRIA (2001-2018)Pablo SENRA TORVISO (PPGRI-UNILA/ Becario del Programa de Demanda Social - UNILA para becas de posgrado stricto sensu) • AXIS 3: INFRASTRUCTURE, MINING AND ENERGY Schedule: 12:00 to 14:30 Coordinates: Carlos Henrique SANTANA (UNILA - INCT-PPED)Flavio GAITÁN (UNILA - INCT-PPED) A AMÉRICA DO SUL NA SEGURANÇA ENERGÉTICA CHINESAAndré Valente MAIA (Programa de Posgrado en Estudios Estratégicos Internacionales en la Universidad Federal de Río Grande del Sur (UFRGS) / Estudiante becado en la Coordinación para el Mejoramiento del Personal de Educación Superior - CAPES)ANÁLISIS DE LA COOPERACIÓN ENERGÉTICA ENTRE VENEZUELA Y CHINA (2000-2020): ¿HACIA DÓNDE VA?Deninson Alessandro FERNANDES AGUIRRE(Maestría en Historia- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Goiás; Grupo de Estudios Latinoamericanos (GEAL), Federación Nacional de Estudiantes de Relaciones Internacionales de Brasil (FENERI))PATIENT PLAYERS: JAPANESE AND CHINESE SUPPLIERS IN THEBRAZILIAN OFFSHORE OIL SECTORAntonio J. J. BOTELHO (IUPERJ)Yuri Kasahara (Universidad de Oslo)DEMOCRACY AND…
We are very pleased to invite you to the talk entitled "ALCANCES DE LA REESTRUCTURACIÓN DE LA DEUDA EXTERNA ARGENTINA" given by DR. FRANCISCO CANTAMUTTO from the National University of the South (UNS) / IIESS-CONICET (Argentina). Moderated by Prof. Dr. Fernando Romero Wimer [GIEPTALC-UNILA] /CEISO) 🕔 Thursday 09/03/2020 at 5 pm 📌 Registration SIGeventos UNILA 📌 Transmitted by the GIEPTALC YouTube channel
We share with you the call for papers for the Interdisciplinary Journal of Social Studies of Editions of the CEISO for its dossier on "Pandemia: new social, economic, political and environmental scenarios". The articles proposed for the dossier of this call must be sent before October 30, 2020, to the following e-mail: Call No. 22 ENGLISH ISSN Edición impresa 1853-1679ISSN Edición en línea 2469-1860
FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF LATIN AMERICAN INTEGRATION (UNILA)Foz do Iguaçu (Brazil), October 1 and 2, 2020(VIRTUAL EVENT) ANNOUNCEMENT N° 2 LIST OF ACCEPTED ABSTRACTS The Interdisciplinary Group of Studies and Research on Transnational Capitals, State, Ruling Classes and Conflict in Latin America and the Caribbean (GIEPTALC), the National Institute of Science and Technology in Public Policies, Strategies and Development (INCT-PPED), the Social Observatory of Central America and the Caribbean (OSACC) and the Collective of Social Studies and Research (CEISO) convene the 1st International Conference “Latin America-Asia Relations” to be held on October 1 and 2, 2020 at the Federal University of Latin Integration -Americana (UNILA), Foz do Iguaçu (Brazil) with the virtual model of presentation of articles and lectures. GIEPTALC, INCT-PPED, OSACC, and CEISO invite researchers, academics, professionals, representatives of institutions, NGOs, civil servants, undergraduate, and graduate students, and the general public to submit a presentation proposal before the 15th June 2020. OPENING CONFERENCE: “Asia-Latin America relations: problems and challenges in the 21st century”(WANG Siming, Nanjing Agricultural University) Panel: Current and Prospective Relationships between China and Latin America Isabela NOGUEIRA (IE/PEPI/UFRJ, Brazil)Jorge MALENA (Argentine Catholic University)) LIST OF ACCEPTED ABSTRACTS: • AXIS 1: AGRICULTURE AND AGRO-INDUSTRIES Coordinates: Fernando ROMERO WIMER (GIEPTALC-UNILA /CEISO) RELAÇÕES BILATERAIS DE COMÉRCIO ENTRE COLÔMBIA E CHINA: AS EXPORTAÇÕES COLOMBIANAS E O INVESTIMENTO CHINÊS EM PRODUTOS AGRO ALIMENTÍCIOS DE ORIGEM NÃO ANIMAL (2000-2018)Glaucya ABDALLA SCHEFFER (GIEPTALC-UNILA, Brazil)MODERNIZAÇÃO DA AGRICULTURA E COOPERAÇÃO TRANSNACIONAL: A SAGA DA SOJA NIPO-BRASILEIRA, 1974-1979Júlio Ernesto SOUZA DE OLIVEIRA (PPGH from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) and fellow with the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), Brazil. He integrates the WG Agrarian History of Bahia (Histagro) and the Theory and History of Historiography Laboratory (LTHH / UFBA).RELACIONES ECONÓMICAS URUGUAY-CHINA EN EL ÁMBITO DE LA AGRICULTURA Y LA AGROINDUSTRIA (2001-2018)Pablo SENRA TORVISO (PPGRI-UNILA / Scholar of the Social Demand Program-UNILA of Postgraduate Scholarships stricto sensu) • AXIS 2: COMMERCIAL RELATIONS, INVESTMENTS, AND FINANCIAL CAPITAL Coordinates: Paula FERNÁNDEZ HELLMUND (OSACC-UNILA/CEISO)Fabio BORGES (Observatório dos BRICS do NEEGI-UNILA) INFLUENCIA COMERCIAL DE CHINA EN PAÍSES DE LA ALIANZA DEL PACÍFICOJorge Isaac, LECHUGA-CARDOZO (Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, México)BELT AND ROAD INITIATIVE (BRI) E SUA EXPANSÃO PARA AMÉRICA LATINA: IMPLICAÇÕES POLÍTICAS, ECONÔMICAS E REGIONAISAlyssa Ribeiro PERPETO TROTTE (NUPREM-IBMR and Coronavirus Geopolitical Observatory, NEEGI-UNILA, Brazil)EL BANCO ASIÁTICO DE INVERSIÓN EN INFRAESTRUCTURA Y LA NUEVA ARQUITECTURA FINANCIERA INTERNACIONAL. AMÉRICA LATINA Y EL CASO DE URUGUAYRamiro RODRIGUEZ BAUSERO (University of the…
NAME OF THE PROJECT: "Introduction to Chinese Language and Culture"Teaching Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Fernando Gabriel Romero The objective of this call is to select a fellow to join the project "Introduction to the Chinese language and culture" Next, the requirements for the presentation and the stages of the selection process to integrate the mentioned project will be announced. Requirements: Interested students should: 1) Send, until July 13, 2020 , your CV Lattes to the following email address: ; 2) Submit attached a letter of intent explaining the reasons why you want to integrate the project. It must meet the following requirements:Times New Roman font size 12, space 1.5, limit extension of 500 words. The file must have the applicant's first and last name. The results will be communicated to the emails of the candidates on July 14, 2020