Tag: working conditions

“Radiography of domestic employment in Bahía Blanca” (Part I) Article by Pablo BECHER (researcher at CEISO and collaborator of GIEPTALC)

Domestic service constitutes in Argentina, as in other countries in the region, one of the main urban female occupations.This study tries to provide an overview of the situation of domestic workers in the city of Bahía Blanca, to try to understand their working conditions, their perception of employment and the social relations that are woven around it. On the other hand, compliance with certain labor rights and the forms of union organization found in the city are examined.Continue reading at: Radiography of domestic employment in Bahía Blanca (Part 1) | Pablo BECHER Photo: With a double trade immersed in the domestic landscape, a housewife performs hairdressing work. By Horacio Culaciatti
