The number 21 of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Social Studies (RIES) has already been released in Argentina. Excellent review by GIEPTALC researcher Sebastián Sarapura. In addition, the reception of articles is open for the dossier number 23: "Memories, futures and resistances".
Category: News }From Paraguay, the researcher from BASE Investigaciones Sociales, Marielle Palau ; from Argentina, the Sociologist and Professor of the UBA Pablo Bonavena , and from Brazil the Doctor in History and Professor of the UNILA, Fernando Romero Wimer , invite us to think and debate the social realities, and the political and economic news of these three countries countries that share many more things than borders. With the leadership of Nacho Urruspuru .
Day 17/12 - Thursday - 19 h The 16 articles, authored by researchers from different Latin American countries, are organized in three parts: The State and accumulation due to the pandemic;The reorganization of immediate life during the pandemic;Sociocultural resistance and contradictions. The channel Esquerda Online , in collaboration with the Grupo de Pesquisa História e Poder (UNIOESTE) promotes the launch of the book, with the presence of the three organizers and the Brazilian authors and the authors based in Brazil: John Kenny Acuña Villavicencio - organizer and co-author of the articles "Those displaced by violence during the pandemic in Guerrero " and "Resistance and ways of life in indigenous communities in the face of the Covid-10 pandemic: challenges in local production and marketing "; Ever Sánchez Osorio - organizer and co-author of the articles "Reflections (others) in quarantine: the assault of the world and the reconfiguration of immediate life" And "Resistance and ways of life in indigenous communities in the face of the Covid-10 pandemic: Challenges in local production and marketing"; Manuel Garza Zepeda - organizer and co-author of the article "Reflections (others) in quarantine: assault on the world and reconfiguration of immediate life" ; Clóvis Antonio Brighenti (UNILA) - author of the article "Following in the footsteps of the white man: Indigenous peoples, COVID-19 and neocolonialism in Brazil"; Érica Sarmiento (UERJ) and Rafael Araújo (UERJ) - authors of the article "Neoliberalism, forced migration and pandemic in Latin America: an overview of the processes" ; Fernando Romero Wimer (UNILA) - author of the article "The crisis of the new coronavirus in Latin America: social control, capitalist economy and hope" ; Gilberto Grassi Calil (UNIOESTE) - author of the article "The Jair Bolsonaro government and COVID-19: a deliberate policy of expanding the pandemic" ; Hernán Ramírez (UNISINOS) - author of the article "Argentina vs Brazil: the structural roots of their short-term responses to the pandemic." The debate will be broadcast on the Youtube channels of Izquierda Online and the History and Power Research Group, and also on Izquierda Online's facebook: You Tube EoL: Youtube GPHP:… Facebook EoL: The book is available in its entirety on the Marxism 21 site, at…/1CFAShAjx3U9UWiyoS4Jz1Ux9CI…
The registration period is from October 1st to 25th; all selection phases will be virtually and can be carried out in Portuguese, Spanish, or English. The Master's degree in International Relations offers 20 vacancies for regular students - with admission for 2021 -distributed in three lines of research: Studies for Peace, Human Rights and International Security; Development and Transnational Capitals; And Foreign Policy, Actors and International Processes. The selection process is intended for candidates who have completed graduation in any area of knowledge. The registration period is between the 1st and 25th of October. It is worth mentioning that all phases of the selection will be through virtual means and can be held in Portuguese, Spanish, or English. Registration and the course are free of charge. In the distribution of vacancies, preferably, 50% are destined to Brazilian candidates; and the other half of the vacancies are destined to candidates of other nationalities, preferably from the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, except Brazil. In case of non-completion, vacancies can be relocated. Of the total number of vacancies offered, four will be allocated to reserve vacancies for black candidates (black and brown); a place for refugees and humanitarian visa holders; and a vacancy for indigenous villagers from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Uruguay, Venezuela, Paraguay, Ecuador or Peru. Registration must be made only electronically, through the Integrated Management System of Academic Activities (SIGAA), which can be accessed at this link. According to the notice, the candidate must attach documents such as the registration form and research project, and this should be sent without identification of the author since the evaluation will be in the blind evaluation system. The selection process consists of three phases: the first is the analysis of the research project; the second will be a virtual written proof; and finally, there will be an online interview and curriculum evaluation. The online written exam will be on November 19, and the interview takes place between 9 and 11 December. The final result will be released on December 18. Check here the notice (with versions in Portuguese, Spanish and English) and attachments.In case of questions about the selection process, please contact us by e-mail:
Deadline for submission of articles for the dossier: "Pandemic: new social, economic, political and environmental scenarios" The articles proposed for the dossier of this call must be sent before October 30, 2020, to the following email address:
Title recognition Where is the region and the world going? Presentation of Paula Fernández, professor and researcher at the Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA-Brazil), chairs the Social Observatory for Central America and the Caribbean (OSACC), co-director of the Interdisciplinary Study Group on the Transnationalization of Capital in Latin America and the Caribbean (GIEPTALC), and is a member of the Colectivo de Estudios e Investigaciones Sociales (CEISO-Argentina) and Any Ramírez, director of foreign degrees and validations at the Universidad Nacional de Asunción (Paraguay). The objective is to share the state of affairs of regional trajectories in terms of recognition and revalidation of degrees, along with the proposal for action arising from the UNESCO Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education approved in November 2019. Representatives of the project funded by the Núcleo de Estudios e Investigaciones en Educación Superior del Mercosur (NEIES). It is an open virtual activity with no cost or prior registration. 📌Youtube Channel MEC 📌 Wednesday 16 September 2020 10:00- 12:00 hrs Uruguayan time 10h20: Mobility of students and graduates; recognition of degrees and professional practice in MERCOSUR
Organized by Nacho Urruspuru and Fernando Romero Wimer. Reflection, debate, and political, social, and economic news of Bolivia and Brazil in times of Pandemic, in the voices of Jorge Richter (Political Scientist); and Fernando Romero Wimer (Doctor of History). Presentation and Moderation: Nacho Urruspuru. New schedule Friday, August 7 at 7:00 p.m. (Argentina and Brazil) and 6:00 p.m. (Bolivia time).
Organized by Nacho Urruspuru and Fernando Romero Wimer. Reflection, debate, and political, social, and economic news of Bolivia and Brazil in times of Pandemic, in the voices of Jorge Richter (Political Scientist); and Fernando Romero Wimer (Doctor of History). Presentation and Moderation: Nacho Urruspuru. New schedule Friday, August 7 at 7:00 p.m. (Argentina and Brazil) and 6:00 p.m. (Bolivia time).
HONEY PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION: AGROECOLOGY AS THE HORIZON Speakers: Julia Astegiano CONICET-UNCMariana Martinelli; Jimena Andrieu INTA EEA San Juan-UNSJMariana Allasino INTA-IPAF Cuyo 31 jul 2020 03:00 PM (Argentina) REGISTRATION: